Some Common Problems |
1) Please do not make reference to mobs in your descriptions. 2) Please do not make references to actions by the player, most commonly found in sentences that have the word _you_ in them. i.e. you slip and fall as the stones crumble beneath your feet. 3) Don’t tell the player how to feel or what conclusions to come to, leave the clues for them and let them come to a conclusion. i.e. This room makes you feel scared and you want to run out. Instead try something like this, Shadows dance eerily on the walls and faint screams echo around the room, though there is no evidence of life here. As an addendum here, never make reference to how dreary and boring something is. 4) Please do not make exact copies of rooms i.e. 10 rooms in a row on a road are the same... similar is fine, a line or so the same is fine, but not the whole description please. 5) Don’t give out info that could not be known by looking at the room. i.e. The oak tree that fell across the road here must have been from that bad lightning storm two years ago. 6) If you want to build a confusing maze or zone please put up an ANSI map and an explanation of why you want it and let the appropriate person know, and they will tell you if it is OK to go ahead with it or not. 7) Death traps are OK though limit their use to one per zone and make sure it is necessary, not just there to be there. |
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