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Current gametime:
NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 15:00
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'this is Lenara'

53/53H 19/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn beams a smile at Lenara.

53/53H 19/49V: full defense front: l Lenara
With a curvacious body hidden beneath furs and skirts, Lenara glides with the
look of one suited to roam a palace hall.  Long dark hair tumbles in waves down
her back, and her warm, inviting smile could melt through the thickest stone.
Lenara is in excellent condition.

Lenara is using:
left hand      a silver etched rapier
right hand     a brass hilted sword
around head    a beautiful gold kesiera attached to a triangular-cut blue lapis
left ear       a rose shaped stud
about body     a fluid cloak of snow white fur
on hands       a pair of thin black gloves
on legs        a pair of delicate black silk stockings
on feet        a pair of blue velvet boots

53/53H 20/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara gives you a warm smile.

53/53H 21/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'Lenara, this is Sahara'

53/53H 22/49V: full defense front: say Is she your servant?
You say, 'Is she your servant?'

53/53H 22/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'certainly not'

53/53H 23/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara frowns.

53/53H 23/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'if anything, I am hers....'

53/53H 24/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn beams a smile at Lenara.

53/53H 25/49V: full defense front: say Really...
You say, 'Really...'

53/53H 26/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara instinctively lifts her chin, 'what an idea...'

53/53H 28/49V: full defense front: say It is so kind of you to look after that poor girl, Sir, Flarn
You say, 'It is so kind of you to look after that poor girl, Sir, Flarn'

53/53H 34/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'I'll excuse the presumption. An honor to meet you, sahara.'

53/53H 34/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara arches an eyebrow.

53/53H 35/49V: full defense front: say Oh, indeed an honor, I never get to meet many like you.
You say, 'Oh, indeed an honor, I never get to meet many like you.'

53/53H 37/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'ahh, she's the one who looks after me more often than not'

53/53H 38/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn grins at Lenara.

53/53H 39/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'Flarn, do all people from your country speak with such ill manors?'

53/53H 39/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I don't know, I've not been home in years'

53/53H 42/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara 's eyes cooly take in Sahara's frame.

53/53H 44/49V: full defense front: emote creases her lips into a flat line, showing obvious distaste
Sahara creases her lips into a flat line, showing obvious distaste

53/53H 44/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'please....'

53/53H 45/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn smiles warmly.

53/53H 48/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn hugs Lenara.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say You really should show more respect to your betters girl.
You say, 'You really should show more respect to your betters girl.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: l
At the Top of a Flight of Steps
Hard, cold marble pervades the ground and as you travel across it, your feet
clock against it.  Atop the steps and especially with the room's ability to
amplify minuscule sounds, sneaking is practically impossible.  As you look
around you find that all points of travel are possible.  Another staircase,
equally as wide as the one leading down climbs onto the third level.    
[ Exits: n e s w u d ]
Flarn De'Lossian of Saldaea is standing here.
Lenara sur Paendrag ~Bringer of Chaos~ is standing here.
A librarian strokes his beard thoughtfully and gazes emptily into space.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn sighs loudly.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara stiffens.

You say, 'Now, would you fetch sir flarn and I some tea, we have some things we wish to discuss'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'You should learn to not insult those whom you've just met/'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'you overstep yourself m'lady....'

You say, 'Sir, Flarn, you really do give those under your employ too much... room'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'please apologize to m'lady Lenara, there is no need to insult her'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'no one is under me'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara says cooly, 'what an idea, this child really is a friend of yours, Flarn?

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I serve this city '

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'we met briefly some time back'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'what I might have been back home is gone'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'this city has me now'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Oh, sir Flarn, I'm sure Saldaea would welcome someone of your skills
You say, 'Oh, sir Flarn, I'm sure Saldaea would welcome someone of your skills'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara smoothes her skirts and laughs quietly, 'perhaps being in the City will teach her to 
better recognise those around her.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'Saldaea would want my head on a pole actually'

You say, 'Indeed I'm sure someday, you could advance quiet high in their military.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara turns to Flarn with a look that expect elaboration.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I am content where I am'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say A pole, you say?  I've never haerd of this.
You say, 'A pole, you say?  I've never haerd of this.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Girl, have you not, fetched that tea yet?

Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'there are things.... things I did that I am not proud 
of after my house was brought down'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: You say, 'Girl, have you not, fetched that tea yet?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'she will not fetch anything'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I still have powerful enemies back home'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara waves her hand quietly, 'You friend amuses me, Flarn, she can stay and crack her jokes.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I may return to take what's mine in time, or not, 
whatever my destiny might be'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'but...'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara studies Flarn, 'what things do you speak of?'

You say, 'I would make sure nothing would happen to you, I do have the power to do that, where 
as your crass...servant would stand no chance.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'she is no servant!'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'it is I who serve her'

You say, 'Indeed, then what is her function?  Does she function as a footrest?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn stares at the sky.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara turns to Sahara, 'A lady would never show such a distasteful tongue.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say My dear footrest, you know not what you speak.
You say, 'My dear footrest, you know not what you speak.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn lays a hand on Lenara's arm gently.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'and I expect you to stop making demands of Flarn. He is not under yours or 
anyone's thumb. '

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I have no allegience to Saldaea anymore'

You say, 'But, I could provide much to Sir Flarn, and I suppose to his footrest as well.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: emote grins to herself.
Sahara grins to herself.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'we will make our own way....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara 's face shows nothing but calm disinterest as Sahara's hair quickly ties itself into 
a multiple of tight tiny knots.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I need nothing from one who insults my companions so....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: blink
You blink your eyes innocently.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say What happened to my, hair?
You say, 'What happened to my, hair?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'Lenara I know and trust, implicitly....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: glare Lenara
You glare icily at her.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say It's you, isn't it.

Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'you, I barely know, and for all I know, you could be an 
agent of those who would kill me'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: You say, 'It's you, isn't it.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'My, that is a problem, perhaps you should comb it more.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn suddenly starts and gazes at Lenara.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lady Lenara says, 'It is rather drafty in this cooridor, isn't it...'

You say, 'Sir, Flarn, the Bashere household has never been an agent to anyone, ever.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say I think I shall, footrest.
You say, 'I think I shall, footrest.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I don't know who to trust back home anymore, all I 
trusted back there are dead'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I trust what I have found here in Tar Valon'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara calmly lays her hand on flarn's arm. it shakes slightly.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Sir, Flarn one must regain trust for one's own country
You say, 'Sir, Flarn one must regain trust for one's own country'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara whispers something to Flarn.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I lost my country when I lost my family to treacherous greed....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'Tar Valon is my home now'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'all that I have of my old life is my name'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara 's knees wobble, and she takes a hold of flarn's arm tightly.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: shake
You shake your head.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn slips an arm around Lenara, supporting her gently.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara's face pales.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say That is too bad, your footrest looks, tired
You say, 'That is too bad, your footrest looks, tired'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'why do you hurl insults so?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'you dishonor yourself and your house by your words....'

You say, 'I hurl no insults, that is the only use I see for her, I know not her role, so I 
shall assume she is a footrest'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara 's face beads with sweat, 'she's no concern of ours, come Flarn, I.. need to sit.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Sir, Flarn my house will always welcome you
You say, 'Sir, Flarn my house will always welcome you'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn nods at Lenara, helping her to a chair.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara sits down.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I have no home but Tar Valon now'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say And your...companion... as well
You say, 'And your...companion... as well'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara leans over, resting her head in her hands, shaking slightly. 

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Now, I must go fix my hair...
You say, 'Now, I must go fix my hair...'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: scowl

Flarn moves to Lenara's side, gently feeling her forehead, a slight frown on his face.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: You scowl.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Lenara whispers something to Flarn.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Recruit Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'perhaps next time you will be more polite...'

Sahara gracefully walks out with an orange tabby cat following at her side.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: x
Obvious exits:
North - Northern Annex
East  - A Window-Decked Room
South - Southern Annex
West  - A Quiet Study
Up    - Atop the First of Steps on the Third Level
Down  - At the Nexus of the Great Library

53/53H 45/49V: full defense front: d
At the Nexus of the Great Library
Ringed with pillars thick as tree trunks and topped with a vaulted roof, this
nexus is huge in size and grand in style.  The vaulted ceiling is extremely
high on which hundreds perhaps thousands of gilded, oil lamps are suspended
from.  Overlapping scale-shaped tiles dress the circular walls of the room
while the floor is pervaded by black and white tiles.  The tiles on the ground
are predominantly black but each tile has the white flame of Tar Valon branded
in the middle.  A semicircular counter of polished blackwood rests by the north
end of the room.  Two staircases which arch and meet on the second level
cascade and envelops the counter.  Arched doorways propped with polished
columns opens out in all directions.  The doorway out of the Great Library lies
to the south.    
[ Exits: n e s w u ]

53/53H 44/49V: full defense front: s
Between the Pillared-Entrance of the Great Library
Towering roughly a dozen paces high and thick as the trunk of an ancient oak,
the bone-white pillars that guard the doorway loom before you.  Between the
pillars is a heavily gilded doorway which is amply wide to funnel twenty men
abreast and has a height thrice the width.  Looking into the library you see a
great nexus in which several gilded doors expand out from.  Sprawled out south
is the wide, tree-lined walk leading from the library.    
[ Exits: n s ]
A Shining Guardsman stands vigilant, watching for trouble.
A Shining Guardsman stands vigilant, watching for trouble.

Sahara says to herself, "Sir Flarn, now you're mine..."

You smirk.

Last update: 2023 Sep 26 Suggestions, comments, errors? Contact mirrors@mirrorsmud.net