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Current gametime:
NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 20:00
53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn gazes down at his hands, lost in thought.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say One moment, Sir Flarn
You say, 'One moment, Sir Flarn'

Flarn nods.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: l
The Guests' Dining Room
A large room, it is prettily decorated and obviously used for dining purposes.
There is a single large oval table standing in the middle of the room and a
clean white dining cloth sits folded at one end of it, ready to be opened and
spread upon the top to protect the table's surface.  Flanking the table on
opposite walls, are two sidetables to hold the serving dishes or to allow a
buffet to be laid out.  Currently only three chairs are at the table, clustered
at one end.  There are, however, seven or eight matching chairs lining the back
wall to be used at need.    
[ Exits: w ]
A used cup sits here waiting to be washed.
( 2) A dirty plate sits here waiting to be washed.
( 2) A dustbunny litters the floor here.
An oval table made of spicewood rests in the center of the room.
Flarn De'Lossian of Saldaea is sitting here.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: You say, 'No then, Sir Flarn.  Have you considered my offer further?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'your offer? To help restore my house?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: nod
You nod.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn sinks deeply into his own thoughts.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn removes a leather backpack.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn gets a light blue banner with a white swan sitting in the center from a medium sized backpack.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I don't know if this should ever fly really....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn puts a light blue banner with a white swan sitting in the center in a medium sized backpack.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn wears a leather backpack.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Loril newbies, 'Hi Mirik :)'

You say, 'But why shouldn't it?  I could help you regain your house's power, no matter what happened.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'and what would you want out of this in the end?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'there is a price of course?'

You say, 'A price, there is always a price.  I wish to be near you, I have a feeling that you 
may be the thing of legends.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'be near me?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'the thing of legends?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I have no name, no home'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'little more than what I am wearing....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Journey, adventure, I've always wanted to see the world.
You say, 'Journey, adventure, I've always wanted to see the world.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'no legend am I'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'why do you think I would be a legend....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'you think I'm ta'veren or something?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn chuckles.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'some ta'veren I'd make....'

You say, 'Legends have been started from less.  As my uncle says, "If one goes back far enough in a 
house's history one sees nothing more than one man who did the right thing at one point"'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Ta'veren, now that would be a fine joke.
You say, 'Ta'veren, now that would be a fine joke.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn nods.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn chuckles.

You say, 'But, I don't know, I've heard people get caught up in Ta'Veren and often regret it.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'so..... you would just want to be... near me... is that it?'

You say, 'But, to be near you, it might be worth it.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'and what would all this entail?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I remember the last time you were near me....'

You say, 'Quite simply, protection, some of the power, should you obtain it, among other small requests'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'small requests have a way of growing larger....'

You say, 'Really, last time was no fault of mine, it was that foolish doormat of a girl.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn sighs loudly.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'wrong answer....'

You say, 'I suppose I could tolerate her for your sake though'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn stares at the sky.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Wrong answer, what do you mean?
You say, 'Wrong answer, what do you mean?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: eq

Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'why would I want you near? You do little more than 
badger my companions....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: You are using:
on body        a sheer silk blouse
on legs        a pair of grey flannel pants
as shield      a round steel shield
left hand      a small, plain brass lantern
right hand     a stylish dagger

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'and favors?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'you want me tied to you.... '

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'and I will be tied to no one....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say I want you tied to a strong house, until yours can stand strongly.
You say, 'I want you tied to a strong house, until yours can stand strongly.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'my house is gone'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'all that remains are the few bits of cloth I have, 
and my name'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: l
The Guests' Dining Room
A large room, it is prettily decorated and obviously used for dining purposes.
There is a single large oval table standing in the middle of the room and a
clean white dining cloth sits folded at one end of it, ready to be opened and
spread upon the top to protect the table's surface.  Flanking the table on
opposite walls, are two sidetables to hold the serving dishes or to allow a
buffet to be laid out.  Currently only three chairs are at the table, clustered
at one end.  There are, however, seven or eight matching chairs lining the back
wall to be used at need.    
[ Exits: w ]
A used cup sits here waiting to be washed.
( 2) A dirty plate sits here waiting to be washed.
( 2) A dustbunny litters the floor here.
An oval table made of spicewood rests in the center of the room.
Flarn De'Lossian of Saldaea is sitting here.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say What happened to your house, if I may ask.
You say, 'What happened to your house, if I may ask.'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'another house.... desired our lands'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'and through their manipulations were able to war 
upon us with the consent of the Crown....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: arch
You arch an eyebrow.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'they butchered my family'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'and took our holdings'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Never, war between houses would never be permitted in the 
You say, 'Never, war between houses would never be permitted in the Borderlands'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'it wasn't a war!'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'it was a bloody massacre!'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: man
You feel content.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Flarn frowns.

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say Light, would you tell me what... house... it was?
You say, 'Light, would you tell me what... house... it was?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'just because we are so near the Blightborder does 
not mean we are immune to our weaker implulses....'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'no'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say But, why?
You say, 'But, why?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'I will not have you... arrange something.... and then 
hold it over my head...'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: say And if I promise not to arrange anything?
You say, 'And if I promise not to arrange anything?'

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: 
Soldier Flarn says with a Saldaean accent, 'you'll forgive my mistrust, but I trust no one from my 

53/53H 49/49V: full defense front: sigh
You sigh.

Last update: 2023 Sep 26 Suggestions, comments, errors? Contact mirrors@mirrorsmud.net