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Current gametime:
NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 17:00
You say, 'what is with that sister of yours?'

You say, 'she seems stuck in one spot'

Ahven chuckles.

You hmm...

Beginning of a Worn Path
Loose sand fades from the north and becomes hard packed towards the south where
the ground shows a long worn out path beginning.  The path is wide enough to
allow several people to walk along it without too much trouble.  The ground to
the outskirts of the path is less packed but still easily traveled.  To the
west you can see some plants growing and bearing a bright red fruit about the
size of a man's fist.  To the east the sandy canyon floor is barren of plants
and debris.  The path runs south from here farther into the Hold, while the
entrance to Whispering Springs Hold lies to the north.    
[ Exits: n e s w ]
Ahven the Aiel is standing here.

03:31 232/232 98/98 > s
A Worn Path
The worn path which runs throughout the canyon housing Whispering Springs Hold
comes to a junction here.  To the north lies the entrance to the hold, while to
the east and west the path runs to the most visited shops the hold has to
offer.  To the south the path takes an upward slope towards the three levels of
the hold hosting the Roofs of each of the societies as well as the Roof of the
Hold's Roofmistress and the Roof of the Wise Ones.    
[ Exits: n e s w ]
A young girl with yellow hair stands here.
A young girl with yellow hair stands here.

03:31 232/232 97/98 > s
Slope up the Terraces
The path through the canyon becomes a slight slope heading upwards and to the
south.  Above is a path around the canyon of the second terrace of the Hold.  
It houses the Roofs of six of the twelve clans.  To the east you hear the
ringing of a hammer on steel, while to the west you can see the two springs
which supply the hold with its water needs.    
[ Exits: n e w u ]

03:31 232/232 96/98 > 
Alas, you cannot go that way....

03:31 232/232 96/98 > u
The Slope on the Terraces
The hard packed ground is steep sloped connecting the ground floor to the three
terraced levels of Whispering Springs Hold.  Up from here lies the third floor,
where six of the Aiel societies' Roofs reside, and further on to the fourth
floor, holding the Roof of the Wise Ones, as well as the Roofmistress' Roof.  
Below lies the canyon floor, where all of the necessities of Aiel life reside.
To the west and east runs a terrace path connecting the six societies' Roofs
which reside on the second story of Whispering Springs Hold.    
[ Exits: e w u d ]
A yellow haired man stands here.

03:31 232/232 95/98 > e
The Terrace Path
The pathway here is hard-packed and obviously has been well used for quite some
time.  Any loose dirt which may reside here at times has been recently swept
away making for easier and swifter travel than the Three-fold land left to its
own devices.  The pathway continues on to the east and west, where the land
slopes to join the several terraces to the ground floor.  To the south lies an
entranceway occupied my a few women in cadin'sor.  Northward is a steep, and
most likely fatal drop to the floor of the canyon.    
[ Exits: e s w ]

03:31 232/232 94/98 > s
Entrance to the Roof of Far Dareis Mai
The doorway is carved from stone and fairly smooth.  The sound of laughter from
the south, inside this roof, would sooth most men who didn't know better.  The
light from inside is good enough to keep the doorway well lit during the night.
This Roof is likely closest to the Entrance to the Hold because of it's
occupants demand for The Dance.  To the north lies a terraced path leading
around the rest of this terrace of the canyon.    
[ Exits: n s ]
Ahvena the Aiel is standing here.
A dangerous woman surveys the area here.
A dangerous woman surveys the area here.

03:31 232/232 93/98 > 
An experienced Far Dareis Mai warrior rises from her crouching position.

03:31 232/232 94/98 > say boo!
You say, 'boo!'

03:31 232/232 94/98 > 
An experienced Far Dareis Mai warrior says, 'I see you, Brin.'

03:31 232/232 94/98 > 
An experienced Far Dareis Mai warrior advanced her foot, hand on knee and placed 
her palm upright before you.

03:31 232/232 95/98 > order woman fol brin
An experienced Far Dareis Mai warrior starts following you.

03:31 232/232 96/98 > look
Entrance to the Roof of Far Dareis Mai
The doorway is carved from stone and fairly smooth.  The sound of laughter from
the south, inside this roof, would sooth most men who didn't know better.  The
light from inside is good enough to keep the doorway well lit during the night.
This Roof is likely closest to the Entrance to the Hold because of it's
occupants demand for The Dance.  To the north lies a terraced path leading
around the rest of this terrace of the canyon.    
[ Exits: n s ]
Ahvena the Aiel is standing here.
An experienced Far Dareis Mai warrior, being led by you.
A dangerous woman surveys the area here.

03:31 232/232 96/98 > group all
You are now a member of Brin's group.
An experienced Far Dareis Mai warrior is now a member of your group.

03:31 232/232 97/98 > 
Ahvena advanced her foot, hand on knee and placed her palm upright before you.

03:31 232/232 98/98 > 
Mistress Ahvena says, 'I see you spearsister.'

You say, 'I see you spear-sister'

700) Ahvena says, '*sigh* Ahven I'm going to have to teach you not to do that, 
your blushing will not help when you are hiding in the desert, we could spot 
those cheeks from miles off.'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'And how do you fare this day?'

700) You say, 'it is typical of a man to give away his position spear-sister 
he really does need some lessons'

700) Ahven says, 'ahh, true, true, but you know I can't even walk past the sweat 
tents without coloring up.....'

You say, 'I am well'

You say, 'plenty of water and shade today'

Ahvena inclines her head.

Mistress Ahvena says, 'that is good news.'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'I hope to find some myself'

700) Ahvena says, 'light my, brother embarasses himself in front of my spear-sister.'

You say, 'i hear the cobbler is working on improvements to our boots'

700) You say, 'perhaps i will do you a favor and teach him to sing sometime 

Ahvena nods solemnly, 'Perhaps some that don't wear out after a good run?

You say, 'i hear they will help our feet heal faster'

You say, 'similar to how our pallets make us more comfotable when sleeping, 
condusive to healing faster'

700) Ahvena says, 'He does seem to need a few lessons, doesn't he *ponder*'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'Ah yes I noticed we had some new beds.'

700) Ahven says, 'then perhaps you both would care to help correct me....'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'Made by your gai'shain?'

700) You say, 'yes well he walks heavy enough to be heard like thunder, i 
am actually surprised he hasn't become a master of Thunder Walking already....'

You say, 'she has certainly out done herself this time'

Ahvena shakes her head.

Mistress Ahvena says, 'She never does, it is her toh.'

You say, 'i hear she shared her expertise with other societies as well'

700) Ahven says, 'hrmph.... '

700) Ahvena says, '*cackle* *bangs her spears on her buckler*'

Ahvena nods.

You say, 'it is her toh, but her skill is impressive none the less'

Ahvena inclines her head.

You say, 'I am somewhat troubled though'

You say, 'It is odd that so few girls have come to attempt to wed the spear'

Ahvena furrows her brow.

You say, 'perhaps I wish for too much'

You say, 'they will come when they mature I suppose'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'I do not think it is too much to ask Brin.'

You say, 'I am concerned over the Miagoma too much perhaps'

The sun slowly disappears in the west.

You say, 'Turan is probably right, they have no reason to start raiding'

Ahvena's forehead creases as she thinks about something.

You say, 'but we must start scouting the Miagoma soon'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'There is a threat from them?'

You say, 'they lack a Clan Chief'

Ahvena frowns.

Mistress Ahvena says, 'What chaos they must be in.'

The night has begun.

You nod.

You say, 'the Wise Ones have yet to send a man to Rhuidean'

You say, 'their Sept Chiefs grow restless'

Ahvena looks impatient.

Mistress Ahvena says, 'Shall we hunt them, then spear-sister?'

You say, 'I have heard that Janduin, of the Taardad is trying to get envolved to 
avoid trouble '

You say, 'but will they accept even his help?'

You say, 'the time for hunting is not here yet'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'If they listen to their wise ones I'll bet they will.'

You say, 'but scouting them might be a good idea soon'

You nod at her.

You say, 'but what men are wise enough to listen more than they want to Ahvena?'

You say, 'few for sure'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'those who would make Clan Chiefs.'

You say, 'but perhaps from that few, the Wise Ones will accept a request for Rhuidean'

Ahvena nods at you.

You say, 'until then our southern border with them could be dicey'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'I doubt they would wage a war without direction, not on us, 
for certain.'

You say, 'you know the area where the ridgecats prowl, spear-sister?'

Ahvena studies her boots, 'I have been there, but I always seem to find danger.'

You nod.

You say, 'and yet that is part of the Reyn lands'

You say, 'but south of the farm, where yipping dogs reside, the Miagoma lands begin'

Ahvena nods thoughtfully, 'I see your point.'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'perhaps scouting is a good start.'

You say, 'I must push Turan to allow us to scout them soon'

Ahvena nods solemnly.

You say, 'perhaps the Wise Ones will have some advice for me soon'

Mistress Ahvena says, 'I'm certain they will.'

Last update: 2023 Sep 26 Suggestions, comments, errors? Contact mirrors@mirrorsmud.net