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Current gametime:
NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 20:00

*** An Andoran Gets a Feel for Buns ***

Iliana clears her throat and asks 'Is anyone hungry?'

You get a few blackberries from a colourful bag.

You get a few blackberries from a colourful bag.

You get a luscious green apple from a colourful bag.

You get a luscious green apple from a colourful bag.

This bag has been woven with many colours, reds, purples, deeps blues and black creating a pretty, but muted, kaleidescope of a pattern. A sturdy stap allows it to be slung over the shoulder or across the body.

When you look inside, you see:

bag (used): 

a stylish dagger 

a short, clear drinking glass

a cheesy bun

a hunk of cheese

a glass bottle

( 1) a glass bottle

a pear

a delicate stemmed wine glass

a brown leather skin for holding liquids

a cone of delicious frogurt

a cloth-bodied doll

a red gummi bear

a medium sized tin bottle corked tightly

a large round crystal lightglobe

a tiger head dagger (chipped)

a pair of gold-worked boots 

an apple pie

You get a cheesy bun from a colourful bag.

You get a hunk of cheese from a colourful bag.

You get a short, clear drinking glass from a colourful bag.

A cool-faced Aes Sedai crosses the Entrance Hall, giving a bare nod at the petitioners who thud to their knees as she passes.

Smoothly and carefully, Lilla takes a sidelong step to stand next to Iliana and smiles warmly, 'I am fine thank you, Iliana. Nice of you to ask.'

A laundry servant has arrived from the the west.

A laundry servant leaves north.

Iliana lifts her head to look up at Lilla and smiles.

Master Jaime says, 'could i have one of your buns please'

Jaime grins evilly.

You give a cheesy bun to Jaime.

Master Jaime says, 'thank you'

You are carrying:

a short, clear drinking glass

a hunk of cheese

( 2) a luscious green apple

( 2) a few blackberries

a thickly bristled straw broom

You give a hunk of cheese to Jaime.

Jaime eats a cheesy bun.

You say, 'Have a little cheese too'

Jaime eats a hunk of cheese.

You eat a luscious green apple.

You eat a few blackberries.

You are full.

Lilla drinks milk from a short, clear drinking glass.

You drink the milk.

You don't feel thirsty any more.

You are full.

Master Jaime says, 'your too kind'

Iliana's mouth curves delicately into a dazzling smile.

You say, 'Are you thirsty from your jouney, Master Jaime? I have a spare bottle of cider.'

Clear glass was fashioned into a simple and inexpensive small drinking glass.

When you look inside, you see:

It's about half full of a white liquid.

Lilla smiles pleasantly at Iliana with an approving nod.

A stout servant has arrived from the the east.

Master Jaime says, 'i fine thanks'

A timid woman in stout farmer's clothing presses herself against one of the walls and tries to make herself look small, twisting her hankerchief in her nervous hands. 

Master Jaime says, 'your buns were most pleasent'

You say, 'Oh, Mistress Laras made them.'

Lilla nods, 'She is fine at her craft.'

Master Jaime says, 'mistress laras must be a fine women'

A sour-faced Accepted motions to one of the petitioners to follow her and swiftly retreats, leaving the poor woman scurrying to catch up with her.

Iliana rambles on 'Even if she has a nasty way with that wooden spoon, she is a good cook.'

Accepted Lilla intones assertively, 'That she is. I am sure she would love for you to grab a hold of some of her buns, Master Jaime.'

A jolly-cheeked Aes Sedai climbs the steps and crosses the Entrance Hall, accompanied by two stern looking warders.

Iliana blinks quietly at Lilla, a slightly bewildered expression creeping on to her face.

Master Jaime says, 'do you think so'

Iliana nods a little uncertainly.

Neinar chuckles.

Neinar grumbles something under his breath.

A stout servant leaves east.

You put a luscious green apple in a colourful bag.

Neinar has pale skin, dark brown eyes, and brown hair.

He is far taller and far heavier than you.

Young man that stands in here examines his surroundings with fierce look in his

eyes. His head is shaven except for a topknot that arches from the pinnacle of

his head. His face is yet young, having boyish features. 

Neinar is in excellent condition.

Neinar is using:

on head a flat-topped blue hat bearing a rim of royal blue satin 

around head a black bandana 

about body a gray cowled cloak bearing a white flame crest ringed in silver 

on forearms a set of bracers sewn with two thick white whorls 

on hands a pair of leather gloves tooled with two thick white whorls 

as shield blue leather buckler inlaid with a white flame on a field of silver 

on legs a pair of blue wool leggings with royal blue stitching 

on l ankle a green and cream colored cuendillar ankle bracelet 

on r ankle a green and cream colored cuendillar ankle bracelet 

as collar a long blue collar embroidered with royal blue stitching 

Lilla's head bobs in a slight nod, 'Well for a woman of her talents and gift for food, I am sure she would want as many people to grasp what she has to offer.'

You give a few blackberries to Neinar.

Iliana mouths 'Grasp what she has to offer?' as her lips twitch in confusion.

A frightened looking Novice peeks into the Entrance Hall and then turns and scurries back the way she came.

A warder in a shifting cloak strides across the Entrance Hall and disappears swiftly down one of the hallways.

Lilla nods at Iliana, 'Her wonderful baked goods as well as allthe other things she makes, that taste so wonderful.'

Master Jaime says, 'really but surely you it should be freely given miss lilla,a inocent country lad could get into trouble grasping buns when he finds one'

Neinar coughs loudly and gives a sidelook at Lilla and Iliana.

Try as she might Iliana seems to have lost track of the conversation and looks at Neinar for explanation.

Jaime grins at Lilla.

Lilla nods at Jaime with indignation, 'Of course it is free Master Jaime! Mistress Laras is not picky nor choosy as to whom takes her......buns.'

A jolly-cheeked Aes Sedai climbs the steps and crosses the Entrance Hall, accompanied by two stern looking warders.

An Aes Sedai wearing a brown-fringed shawl stares absently around the Entrance Hall from one of the archways.

Iliana blinks a little uncertainly but smiles 'She always gives me buns to snack on between meals.'

A young servant has arrived from the the east.

Neinar snickers softly.

Master Jaime says, 'i should like to meet mistress laras who gives here buns so freely'

You gossip, 'me neither gah'

Neinar gossips, 'Making it impossible to breathe.'

A young servant leaves west.

You say, 'I like her beef stew and honeyed carrots better than her buns.'

Iliana looks as if she has no idea what Lilla and Jaime are insinuating.

Lilla nods, 'I am sure though her buns are delicious, they are only appreciated by a truly specific pallet.'

Iliana purses her lips 'Well, I suppose they are pretty good. Only my mother's cook in Cairhien has a softer or moister buns.'

You say, 'They melt in your mouth.'

Iliana gets a dreamy-eyed expression as she thinks about home.

A young servant has arrived from the the north.

Lilla's lips turn up into a broad smile, 'Well I am sure that is because she takes the time to properly, prepare her...buns to make them as soft and fluffy as possible...to yes, make them melt in your mouth.'

A frightened looking Novice peeks into the Entrance Hall and then turns and scurries back the way she came.

A stout servant has arrived from the the east.

A young servant leaves east.

A stout servant leaves north.

A stout servant has arrived from the the north.

A girl dressed all in white appears through one of the archways and leads a petitioner off deeper into the Tower.

Master Jaime says, 'those buns sounds truly wonderfull prehaps i should look up your mothers cooks buns'

A stout servant leaves west.

Neinar coughs, at least it sounds like a cough as he covers his mouth with a hand.

A girl dressed in solid white scurries through one archway, quickly crosses the Entrance Hall and disappears down another hallway.

A timid woman in stout farmer's clothing presses herself against one of the walls and tries to make herself look small, twisting her hankerchief in her nervous hands. 

You say, 'Oh yes, some day I would like to return to Cairhien and have a taste myself.'

A stout servant has arrived from the the west.

An Aes Sedai wearing a brown-fringed shawl stares absently around the Entrance Hall from one of the archways.

Master Jaime says, 'i would die a happy man if i could taste your mothers buns once'

A stone-faced warder has arrived from the the east.

A warder in a shifting cloak strides across the Entrance Hall and disappears swiftly down one of the hallways.

A stout servant leaves east.

You say, 'Light, my mother can hardly cook. It is her Master cook's buns that are just exceptional.'

A girl dressed all in white appears through one of the archways and leads a petitioner off deeper into the Tower.

A stone-faced warder leaves north.

A sweaty-faced Accepted speaks with a female petitioner in a low voice and then disappears through one of the archways.

Lilla shakes her head absently, 'Yes yes. To taste such sweetness on your lips would bring nothing but sheer joy. Though, to spoil yourself like that for anyothers' buns in the future. You would be letting yourself down.'

A sweaty-faced Accepted speaks with a female petitioner in a low voice and then disappears through one of the archways.

Master Jaime says, 'your mother must be lucky indeed to have such fine buns on her palete every morning'

Danger seems to radiate from a stone-faced warder as all expression drains from his face.

In a precise motion, a stone-faced warder places his left foot forward and grips a silver-etched sword between waist and chest height with the tip angled up.

Laras has arrived from the the north.

Laras says, 'You have a problem with my buns?'

A girl dressed all in white appears through one of the archways and leads a petitioner off deeper into the Tower.

You say, 'I didn't know you liked buns so much.'

Laras mutters about Novices.

Laras leaves north.

Last update: 2023 Sep 26 Suggestions, comments, errors? Contact mirrors@mirrorsmud.net