Current gametime: NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 17:00
Aiel Project Manager
I became an immortal here when I returned from a four month
absence of the internet to the MUD i previously played. My
play partner told me to come check out a new MUD she was
building at. After a couple days of wandering around, and
finding I knew a good portion of the staff ( and a little
nudging by Crysa of course ) I bugged Shawnyve and asked if
I could build. The rest is infamous history.
I am from Michigan in the USA, I spent four years in the Army
working in telecommunications, and another three years doing
the same for the National Guard. Currently, I am attending
ITT Tech studying Computer Networking, and will graduate in
September of 2002.
My favorite thing about Mirrors would have to be the Aiel.
As I starting creating my first zone, I found myself spending
a lot of time examining bits and pieces of what Robert Jordan
wrote about the Aiel. Since then, it's become more of an
obsession with the Aiel. I enjoy creating a world that
realistically depicts the Aiel as close to the books as
we can possibly make it.