Current gametime: NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 19:00
I began reading "fantasy" (I prefer to call them "preferable reality") books
much later then most fans, around the age of 18. The world of Robert Jordan was
the first real series I began, yet quickly drew me into the Wheel of Time more
completely then I ever thought possible. Enthralled was I with the diversity of
his characters, the depth of plot(s) and the eloquent style of his timeless writing.
Obviously, I was immediately
One night I was perusing the internet and came across an online game based on the
Wheel of Time. I approached this new text based world with eager delight, yet was
quickly obsessed with the MUD which had captured me in its web. I met many wonderful
people, forged friendships which continue to this day, and waged war against more then
a few enemies- both in character and out. I was able to grow and develop my first real
role play character and obtain the rank of Aes Sedai; my favorite group of individuals
from the book series. However after about a year of play, all was not well. I, and so
many others, languished in the small world, knowing its secrets and easily predicting
the various clans' conflicts. The multitude of faults the little mud attempted to sweep
beneath its collective carpet became glaring omissions every time I logged on. Soon, I
simply lost interest. My character, although loved dearly, faded from the White Tower
and became mostly silent.
It was a short time later that a couple of my oldest friends from that mud told me about
Mirrors. I logged on that very day and have never looked back. At once I was welcomed by
many old friends, each in a new 'body,' who had also grown tired of the stale little mud
which had only served to cradle our emerging Wheel of Time role play. Yet I realized then,
as I walked through the immense city of Tar Valon (I mean, as my 'character' walked though
the city. *cough*), that this place is what all those months of game play on that other mud
had prepared me for. This place, Mirrors, is the pinnacle of what the Wheel of Time mudding
experience was meant to be. And thus I stayed, as a player for a few months before deciding
that being a character was not enough- I felt the need to take an active role in my support
for this world. Now I build zones, mobs and objects, and perhaps in time, I may extend my
meager talents further.
I was born July 10th 1981 (mark it on your calendar, and PS: I prefer silver to gold) in
Toronto Ontario Canada, which is where I currently reside. My passions are reading, writing,
working at/playing on Mirrors, religion, martial arts, and writing and reading. Yes, I am
a book addict and proud of it. My grandmother is a professional author with many titles
under her name and it is my dream to one day become a professional author myself. My writing
style tends to be more analytical and essay based, with a few of my non-fiction works having
been published in various magazines and on the web. I plan to branch into the world of
fantasy in the near future and have drafted a couple short stories, loosely preparing
myself for that blessed day. Besides my obsession with reading and writing, I am a full-time
student with aspirations of a career in either the education or psychological fields.
At any rate, I dearly love Mirrors and thank the creators of this grand MUD for their
continued effort. They are a true inspiration, each and every one.