Mirrors of the Wheel
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Current gametime:
NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 18:00


Head Builder

I started out as something of a pesk, and I am proud to admit that to this day, I have not wavered in my resolve to continue to be one. I came aboard when the MUD was in its early days, and signed myself up as a builder, much to some people's regret. I've I guess, something of a reputation for being a lunatic builder. I am on alot less nowadays. I do pop in occasionally to see how things are, and check on old friends and try to make new ones. I got started here much like everyone else. I was bewitched! Well, okay, perhaps persuaded is a better word for it. I was persuaded that mirrors will be a MUD like no other, and to that belief, I hold. I asked the Big Giant Head if I could join up, and she graciously allowed me to. The rest, as they say, is history.

What can I say about myself? I am currently 20 years old, been building for the last 4 years. I am currently attending University of New South Wales, doing my second year (2002) of a computer engineering degree. I live in Sydney, Australia, and have been here for the last 2 years. Previous to that, I lived in New Zealand. I have a well travelled background, which has its ups and downs. My future ambitions in the MUD include finishing the work I started what seemed so long ago.