Mirrors of the Wheel
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Current gametime:
NE 1227 Tammaz 18 @ 16:00



Well I first hired onto the mirrors staff by shawnyve in 1999, when she read a post I made on another mud, and surmised that I had some good ideas, and an iota of intelligence :) It was amazingly refreshing to have the power and freedom to create a world where people would have so many adventures and good times, like I have in other worlds.

I'm an Australian, born in a little town called Denmark, 500 km south of Perth. It is the place I still live for the time being, while I take my first steps into the fun filled world of full time employment.

I finished high school in 2000, and in 2001 I undertook a course in IT, a year later I came out with a certificate. I hope to enter into university when I am 21 (that will be in 2004). At the time I writing I am actualy on a bit of a walkabout, visiting relatives and friends in Europe. It has been an amazing experience, and I can truely say I will come back a different person in november, to who I was when I left in may. And thats a good thing ;0

Future hopes and dreams include building a home, traveling more, not owning too much crap, and meeting a special someone who also likes italian food.